Today, I did two very exciting things: a) drove on the freeway, and b) went shopping!
I know that driving on the freeway isn't actually exciting, at least not for normal people, but I've been terrified of the freeway for a long time and I've realized it's hindered my abilities to be a normal part of society as an independant young woman. So I am slowly getting into it and soon I will be unstoppable!
And, shopping. Oh how I love shopping. I've become a smarter shopper than I used to be (shopping things I KNOW I will wear, and only things I absolutely love) but I still sometimes snap and spend way too much. Like today. Even though I love (LOVE) all my purchases, I can't help but feel just a little buyer's remorse. I haven't bought any of my clothes I need for recruitment yet, and that's going to cost a, my employment at home is coming to a hiatus pretty soon so unless I get a job in Seattle pretty soon, I won't have a steady source of income anymore.
So I PROMISE--no more purchases until I shop for absolutely necessary things!
Also, on Lady Gaga.

I was musing today, and I think that Lady Gaga's career is going to go one of these two ways:
1) She's going to marry that boyfriend of hers and be like "I am retiring. I am a classic housewife. I always have been. My heart has been empty in showbiz," and go out with a bang and then be a stay-at-home mom for the rest of her life.
Or, 2) She's going to freak out and be all "I can't do it anymore. Hollywood has taken it's soul-numbing toll on my body and mind. I am the Fame Monster. WHOOSH!" And like disappear and live off the grid for the rest of her life.