Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sky Bridge to the IMA

I love my yoga class. I LOVE it. It's one of those simple things that you pay for with your own money you got for Christmas that you go to just for yourself that just makes you really happy.

I always walk in there all stressed out and tense, but after the hour I feel wonderful and loose and like I really can do it. There are a ton of old people in my class--and I mean the elderly, not just a nineteen year old calling a 40-year-old old--and I think that is just so cool. I hope when I'm elderly and creaky, I'll be going to a yoga class. It's kind of inspiring.

To get to the gym, there's a big bridge thing with all these steps you take to the top that takes you right over all the cars and everything, and then you make your way back down the steps to the gym's path. In my head I like to call it the Sky Bridge to the IMA. This amuses me endlessly, for some reason. When I walk on it, I always imagine this colorful musical scene where people are singing a song...called "Sky Bridge to the IMA." It has a very similar tune to "Jesus Christ Superstar" but more in the style of Xanadu.

Anyways. Here are some lessons yoga has taught me I was thinking about today:

"Moment to Moment Balance": This is something my yoga teacher always says when she has us do a challenging balance pose. It means that you don't worry about the end result; you just focus on what your body is telling you now, with every movement you make. When you can balance on one move, you can move on to the next.
It's the same as with life: why do I worry about what I can't see in the distant future when I should be focused on who I am right now and balancing this moment in my life so I can move on to the next?

"Every Body is Different": This is something both my yoga teachers always say whenever we do any pose. They tell me not worry; that if I can't do something someone else can, it's OK because I am a different body than them. I'll get there in time; even if I don't that's OK. It's more important to just be me and respect myself.

"Breathe": Stop stressing out about things. Breathe deeply, through your whole body, and let your body relax. Things will come and you'll be fine; just breathe.

Here's what's Important: Breathing. Smiling at people. Loving people. Not discriminating who you think you should be friends with; let people surprise you. Beign who you are and saying what you feel--if anybody minds than be your self anyway (screw them!). Do whatever the heck makes you happy. And ask for help when you need it.

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