Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Lady Gaga and Shopping.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Kick-Off to a New Year
It was really, really fun. I saw some cousins I haven't seen in a while. With incidents like my cousin Ryan telling me about the aliens coming for me, sometimes I almost felt like I was nine again, except with more people sneaking me alcohol! There were adorable little kids to play with and great music (until I accidentally deleted my cousin-in-law's artfully planned playlist!!) and great company!
My sister Hailey and I went to my aunt's house early with my cousin Randi to spend some time with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and her little girls before all the rest of the fam came. It was so great to be in the sun with some of my favorite family members; I really had a wonderful time!
Some of my favorite memories include but are not limited to: Joking around with my cousin Randi (CLASSIC lemonade!), making fun of my cousin Bobby's Canadian accent ("A hooooge auwl!!"), dancing with my little cousins, and watching True Blood with my aunt Roberta.
It was a great bow to wrap up my summer. Move-in is starting to creep up on me, and there's a lot to do and shop for (yay!) before then. Of course I'm starting to freak out about that a little, but more on that later (I bet you can't wait!) and I have a lot to look forward to in September!
Week One: Moving In.
Week Two: Work Week (getting ready for rush).
Week Three: Rush.
Week Four: Dawg Daze Volunteering (kick-off for the freshmen).
Week Five: Recital Choir Callbacks and First Day of Sophomore Year!
Whew. Luckily I like being busy, so I can't wait.
Also, looking at the photos from this weekend has shown me that I SUPER need to lose weight. I look like a troll in most of them. Can I do it by September??
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Pedestrian Peeves.
No seriously. They drive me crazy.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Cherry Bomb!
I really admire people who can be calm and content. I've known people who seem to be my complete opposite, and I'm so grateful for them because sometimes it's good to realize: wait, I don't have to freak out about this, do I? Will this even matter in ten years? Ten minutes??
The other day I was feeling really calm, even content. Immediately I started growing uneasy. It's almost like I was thinking "oh GREAT. What's going to come along and ruin this peace I've somehow stumbled into? Something HAS to ruin it, right??" But I've struggled with that type of thinking for forever. I've been noticing this pattern I have, where every time I really feel happy and like I have everything ahead of me, I start trying to sabatoge myself with some new (or old) worry, thought, anything that disrupts feeling happy and peaceful. And I don't know why I do that to myself, but I'm trying to notice it and stop it now that I'm more aware of it.
In the meantime, taking time out of my day to focus on breathing and meditate on being peaceful has been really helpful. It still takes a lot of effort, but I've noticed that when I'm going through my day and I start getting all crazy about something, I have this place of peace inside me where I can go and just calm down for a second! I'm learning that I just need to let myself be calm instead whizzing from one emotion to another.
Blog at y'all later!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Meditation Hesitation
So I've been reading up on meditation, and after some yoga, I decided to try it out today. I sat in a comfortable position, came up with a little mantra, and began breathing deeply, clearing my mind, counting to ten...aaahh.
But I couldn't do it. I couldn't sit there long enough to get past three sets of deep breaths before I started checking my phone, looking around, just getting uncomfortable. I tried twice, but I just couldn't get my mind to quiet down.
But...at least I tried? And I'm going to try again tomorrow, and the next day, etc. because I think it's important to find stillness in each day, especially when my mind has been so...unclear.
Maybe next time you hear from me I'll be a meditation expert!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
KStew: Love her or Hate her...

...she's here to stay! The actress has been cause of controversy lately, especially since Twilight, the launch pad that catapulted her (slightly unwillingly, it would seem) into fame and fortune.
Though she's been around for longer (Into the Wild, In The Land of Women, even in Panic Room, Speak, and that one movie about kid-bank-robbers as a child/adolescent), it seems like critics and the general public really started paying attention to her career after Twilight. Maybe it's the fact that she handled playing such a hokey character with grace, or just the fact that she was the actress chosen to play the iconic role of Bella. Probably a mixture of both. Either way, suddenly everyone is singing her praises...or are they?
In my opinion (but what do I know?) Kristen does a great job of creating relatable characters through a mix of raw vulnerability and real-person-awkwardness, blending in little idiosyncrasies we the viewers can recognize in ourselves. Kristen has recieved widespread praise for her acting abilities, and critics generally agree that the young actress has a long and bright future ahead of her.
However. The problem that I can't help noticing is that all her roles are very distinctly Kristen. While there's nothing really wrong with that (look at Drew Barrymore for heavens' sake) it's just that her characters start to feel a bit recycled, as I notice character after character doing the same weird Bella stutter and awkward-unsure-of-herself stance. I almost start to wonder if she's just being herself in every character.
But then you read an interview (one very interesting one I read in last month's Elle) and it's more than obvious that Kristen cares deeply about her work. In the interview I read, she was enraged at the allegations that she "doesn't care" about the craft, an impression she's given people due to her alarmingly acute fear and dislike of red carpet events and other "extras" that come with being a celebrity.
She seems to be a very self-deprecating and dark individual, and I wonder where her extreme awkwardness at the events described above comes from. It's clear to anyone she's uncomfortable--remember that weird Bella stutter? It's all over Kristen's publicity events as well as her movies, and so is the awkward stance. She seems so unwilling to be put in the spotlight, and it seems like paparazzi go after her all the more because of this (exhibit A: Her intensely private relationship with RPatz. No one can leave it alone, and it's probably only because the pair refuse to open up about it with anyone).
After all is said and done, though, I think I do like Kristen Stewart. I enjoy her work even though it is all sort of the same, and I find her awkwardness sort of endearing. I just hope she gets over the self-loathing act soon, because in that industry, I'm sure there's always people wlling to do the deprecating for her.
PS: Her new movie, Welcome to the Rileys, looks wonderful. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjK-szKfGFQ&feature=fvst
Monday, July 12, 2010
Book Clubs!